Vedic Civilisation

  • The Vedic age is associated with the coming of Aryans. 
  • The period is between 1200 BC to 500 BC marked as the Vedi age. 
  • The period was remarkable period in the history of India. 
  • Aryans where the European scholars, pushed the Dravidans in the North India to the South India. 
  • They used to live in villages or grams.
The Vedas 
  • They first settled in Punjab around 2000 BC. 
  • The period they settled down in Punjab was the Rig Veda Period. 
  • Gradually they Moved east and all over Gangetic Valley. 
  • Later the Yajur, Sama and Atharva Vedas were composed. 
  • Aryans Spoke Sanskrit which belongs to the Indo-European group of language. 
  • Aryans worshiped the nature. 
  • The God Varuna-the god of wind and sky, Indra-the god of rain and thunder, Surya-the sun god. they took many religious belief from the local people.
  • They gave them the language Sanskrit in return. 
  • This a new culture that developed between the Aryans and local people. 
  • Broadly they came to be known as Hinduism. 
The System 
  • The evidence of the period shows they have a great system in the living group. 
  • In the earlier Vedic period Aryans lived in grams and in villages. 
  • Head of the village is called Grami. 
  • Their is an elected panchayath to manage the affairs. 
  • The duty of the King is to work for the welfare of his society. 
Great Epics
  • The two great vedas written in this period: Mahabharatha and Ramayana. 
  • 3100 BC be the date of Mahabharata. This epic was composed by Vyasa. 
  • At this period there is a tectonic plate shift resulted in the shifting of river Saraswathi and later it becomes smaller. 
  • It was the startin of Kali Yuga.
Later Vedic Period       
  • The Aryans settled in the valleys of Ganga and Yamuna. 
  • The epics are Mahabharatha and Ramayana. 
  • During this period the king was the absolute ruler. 
  • The dressing and living are the same as that of the early vedic Period. 
  • But the people started the caste system strictly and observed the rules of their caste. 
  • Brahmins were the most respectful people in this society. 
  • The rural Characteristics of the King increases with the growth of number of townships and forts. 
  • A regular army was maintained.

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