Indus Valley Cvilisation

The civilisation is also known as the Harappan civilisation. According to the historians, the period between 3000 BC and 1500 BC the civilisation Exists. The two major cities that discovered are Harappa and Mohenjadaro. Harappa was in the bank of river Ravi and Mohenjadaro was in the Indus. These two were found during the excavation in 1920. The remains of the civilisation shows that it is a part of large civilisation.

The Discovery
The excavation campaign was held under Sir John Hubert marshal in 1921-1922 and the team were Rai Bahadur, Dayaram Sahni and Madho Sarup Vats

Harappan Civilisation

  • Harappa is now situated in Montgomery district of Punjab province in Pakistan. 
  • The ruins of buildings, household articles, weapons of war, toys etc shows that years ago, highly developed civilisation lived in the region. 
  • These cities are well planned Marchant cities. 
  • They have wide roads and Drainage systems. 
  • The highly civilised Harappans knew the art of growing barely, wheat and also used mutton, eggs. 


  • In the local Sindh language the word means "The Mound of Dead". 
  • It was place in Larkana district of Sind Province in Pakistan. 
  • In Mohenjadaro there is a canal connected to the city to sea which shows they are also merchant like Harappans. 
  • The evidence shows that they are always trade with the Mesapotaminan region.

The Indus valley people
  • Based on the evidence collected by the archaeologist the Harappans and Mohenjadaro are common in their life style. 
  • The Indus valley People are believe to have been worshipers of Mother of Goddess and Lord Shiva. 
  • Worship of animals, trees, stones and nature are common among them. 
  • Use of cotton dress and woollen dress are common among. 
  • They knew the art of reading and writing. 
  • The hobby of the people are hunting, fishing and domesticating animals and birds. 
  • Bullock cart is used as a transportation in the land and boats in the river for their trade.
  •  They have a commercial contact with the Sumerians.
At the end of 1500 BC the civilisation come to an end. The main reason of the decay of Indus valley civilisation due to the invasion of the Aryans, floods earthquake. There are several controversy to the decay.

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