India in missile technology group

India enters missile technology group 

  • India joined the Missile Technology Control Regime
  • This will be a boost to the non proliferation credential
  • The membership will help India to trade more effectively in critical high techs areas
  • India’s membership had been blocked in 2015 by Italy, which seemed to link it to the standoff over the detention of the Italian marines
Since 2008 after getting NSG waver India aim to get the membership at MTCR, NSG, The Australian Group and Wassner Arrangement

Missile Technology Control Regime

  • Partnership among 35 countries formed in 1987 by the G7 countries
  • Aim : proliferation of missile and unmanned aerial vehicle, 5ookg payload for more than 300 km range
  • China not a member; applied in 2004 but didn't offer; concern about China's export control standard
  • Israel, Romania, and the Slovak Republic have also agreed to voluntarily follow MTCR export rules even though not yet members

How India get benefit

  • Do not distinguish between export tot MTCR member and MTCR non partner
  • Membership will allow India to sell the Brahmos to Vietnam and other nation
  • It be a benefit for the Make In India and ISRO
  • Access to the Arrow II theater missile developed by Israel
  • India will be able to buy surveillance drones from other countries 
  • The accession to MTCR is one step closer to India's membership to the 48-member NSG 

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