AIIB and AIIB support for India

India preparing project; funding by AIIB

  • India prepareing projects with the help of AIIB
  • This will support south Asia's demand for infrastructure
  • The projects in India, which were being identified, were in the areas of urban development, including smart cities, urban transport, energy, inland waterways and water supply

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

  • Aims to support the building of infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region
  • The bank has 57 Signatories
  • The bank started operation after the agreement entered into force on 25 December 2015
Head quarters : Beijing

Structure of the Bank

The bank has a three tier structure
  1. Board of GovernorsThe Board of Governors consists of one Governor and one Alternate Governor appointed by each member country
  2. Board of Directors 
  3. Senior Management : President and Vice President
  • The capital of $100 billion initially credited by the member nation, among 50 % share by China.
  • India in the second after China

Major power who is not a member

United States
  • Expressed concern whether AIIB have high standard of governance
  • Disappointed when Britain joined
  • Use diplomatic power by preventing allies like  Australia from joining
  • Japan does not need to join

Recently AIIB seeks cooperation and new members

  • Plans to corporate with other members and add new members including Hong Kong
  • Intends to invest $1,2 billion aiming to meet international standard of governance
  • China will reduce the share as new members joins.
  • Three co financed project and one single project
  • Co financed with World Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  •  Co financed projects are

  1. Slums in Indonesia
  2. Highway construction in Pakistan 
  3. Border road improvement Tajakistan

  • The fourth project is Power Grid upgradation in Bangladesh

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