Gupta Dynasty

Gupta Empire was an ancient Indian empire which has its root in the 550 BC to 320 BC. Historians believe that Gupta dynasty was a Vaishya dynasty. Historians have controversories about the orgin of Gupta. Gupta where the inhabitants of Prayaga, currently Allahabad and some historians says the homeland is Bangladesh. Later in the Kushan Empire India was invaded by the foreigners and by many merchants. This was the reason for the emergence of the great Gupta Dynasty.

Chandragupta I

  • Under the leadership of Chandragupta I the great Gupta Empire Emerged as a major power in the Northern India. 
  • Many Foreigners and Merchants were invaded by the great ruler of Gupta Dynasty. 
  • He started the Dynasty in the period 320 AD and ended on 335 AD. 
  • He conquer Magadha and set up his kingdom in the northern side of India. 

  • Samudragupta was the son of Chandragupta I. 
  • He was one of the prominent and powerful ruler in the Gupta dynasty. 
  • His period was 335 AD - 376 AD. 
  • Later he was called as the Indian Napoleon. 
  • At period of Samudragupta he implemented an administration section. 
  • In his period Art and music began to grow.
Chandragupta II
  • Chandragupta II was the next important king in the Gupta period 380 AD- 413 AD. 
  • He is also called as Vikramaditya. He conquer Malwa, Gujarath and Kathiaward and transferred the capital to Ujjain. 
  • Improvement in culture is one of the important development in the perio. 
  • He loves art. Kalidasa was the greatest writer in his period. 
  • Development in Peoms, Lyric poetry, and drama are another improvement in the period. 
  • The period is the golden age of at and literature. 
  • Fa-hien, Chinese traveller visit India in this period. 
  • Iron pillar was erected near Qutab Minar in Delhi in Cahndragupta period.
Kumaragupta I

  • He is the son and successor of Chandragupta II. 
  • It was the period 413 AD-455 AD. 
  • He adopted the name Mahendradithya. 
  • At the period of Kumaragupta his reign was attacked by Pushyamutra in the west and Huns a central asian tribes. 
  • He established Silver coin, Copper coins and gold coins (dinars). 
  • The golden age of the Gupta ended with him. 
  • He conducted the Aswamedha sacrifice. Also implemented Aswamedha type coins.
  • He was the last great ruler of the Dynasty. 
  • He was the son and successor of Kumaragupta. 
  • He was also called as Devaraja, Kramadithya. 
  • Hinduism was at the zenith with Budhism and Jainism. 
  • This due to the libaral policy that adopted by the Gupta king. 
  • The learning centre Nalanda, Taxila, Ujjain were attracted by the students . 
  • As the Huns made their fierce into the dynasty. 
  • In the end of 6th century AD gave rise to various small independent kingdoms attracted the Huns.
The Huns were lived in the north of China. They were started conquer the Gupta Kingdom in 480. They conquer Gupta Kingdom in the northern India over a vast area Punjab, Kashmir, Malwa, Rajputana and Uttar Pradesh. Toromana was the leader of Huns and is son Mihirakula established he capital at Sakal in Punjab. He was a cruel leader in the history at the period. At the time the two native power emerged in the reign of Huns are Yasodharman and Baladitya. They conquer the reign and ended the cruel ruler. He was taken as the prisoner during the Baladitya invaded Magadha. Thus the Huns rule in Indian History was ended. 

The Nine Jewels of the Period : Kalidasa, Nandi, Kshapanaka, Varahamihira, Vararuji, Amara Sinha, Vetalabata, Khatakrpa, Shanku

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