The Empire was existed in the period first century AD, 40 AD -230 AD. The Empire spread over Afganisthan, Iran, Pakisthan and Northern part of Inida. The Northern side of India includes Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab. They were controlled the legendary silk road. They have trade contact Russians, Europe and with many western countries. The most development in the period of Kushan Dynasty was the development of Gandhara School of Art and further spread Buddhism into distant regions of India.

The Rulers

  The rulers were migrated form the western part Asia. The Empire has got the power at the period of the ruler Vima Kadphises. He extended the Empire to the northern part of India from Western Asia. He was influenced by the Hinduism. They used copper, silver and gold coins. The economy of this period is stronger and they trade with his native countries. 

  At the period of Kanishka (126 AD -163 AD)  son of Vima, the dynasty extended upto Central Asia. He was the first ruler who had territory outside India. He established the Capital at Purushapura, Modern Peshawar in Pakistan. He was the most prominent ruler in the Kushan Dynasty. Kanishka was called as the Devputra, the son of God. He developed saka (Era) which is still used in India. At his period he extended the Empire up to Pataliputra. Kanishka belongs to Buddhist faith and built public Monasteries. 
  Kanishka I, Vaishaka, Havishka and Vasudeva I are the other rulers in the period. The Kushan rule lasted till the third century AD.

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