The Dynasty was spread over northern and western regions of India in the period 560 AD -647 AD. The most prominent ruler of the Dynasty was Prabhakaravardhana (560 AD - 606 AD ). He also known as Pratapalisha. His capital was established at the Tanesar, now in Haryana. Prabhakaravardhana died in 606 AD and his eldest son Rajjya Vardhana came into the power. Rajjyavardhana at his age of 16 killed in a battle against the Malwa King Devigupta and Gauda King Sasanka, Harshavardhana second son of Prabhakaravardhana became the ruler.


  • After the death of his brother Harshavardhana (606 AD- 647 AD) established the empire and the prominent ruler in the dynasty. 
  • The Dynasty is called as Vardhana Dynasty. 
  • He ascended the throne of Thaneshwar and Kannauj on the death of his brother. Later he shifted the capital to Kannauj. 
  • After a long warfare he established and widen the reign in Nothern India, Malwa, Punjab, Vallabhi in Gujarath, Bangal and Assam. 
  • He fought against the Chalukya and the war was the important war led by him. 
  • He attacked Deccan Kingdom under the ruler Pulakesin II and entered into a treaty with him. 
  • In the record of Chalukya Harsha called as Sakalottarapadeswara (lord of whole northern country).
Also he defeated the pallava King Mahendra. His administration were very feudal character. He gave land instead of salary in large scale for officers which leads to the emergence of more feudal chief in the society. According to the historians he has the qualities of both Samudragupta and Ashoka. He worshipped Buddha, Sun God and Shiva.

Hieu Tsang : Chinese scholar visited India in this period. He stayed in India from 629 AD - 645 AD. He visited Budhist Pilgrimage centres. Nalanda University was the prominent at this time.

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