Foundation of Civilization

Paleolithic Age (3.3 million-12000 BC)
  • They are also called a old stone age or lower paleolithic age. 
  • These people are so called because they used stone as their tools instead of metal. 
  • The tools made by the stone quartize and hence they are called as quartize men. 
  • This is the lowest stage of civilization. 
  • They were ignorant of using metal. 
  • These people also used bones and wood as tools. 
  • Fire has been used by these people lived in lower paleolithic age. 
  • The use of fire has been common at middle paleolithic age.

Middle Paleolithic Age
  • The Middle Paleolithic period includes the Mousterian culture, often associated with Neanderthal man living between 100,000 and 40,000 years ago. 
  • Neanderthal remains are often found in caves with evidence of the use of fire. 
  • These are the middle stone age. They are advanced than old stone age. 
Upper Paleolithic Age

  • This is the last stage of Paleolithic age and they are often called as new stone age. 
  • They are living between 50.000 to 12,000 years. 
  • These group of people are much more advanced than the old and middle age group. 
  • They use the fire becomes common in this era of paleolithic age.
Mesolithic Age (20,000 to 90,000 BC)

  • This is the age between Paleolithic and Neolithic period. 
  • They are in the period between 20,000 to 9,000. 
  • The Mesolithic age has also two group: Mesolithic 1 and Mesolithic 2
  • They are using stone as tool in a newer way. 
  • They are also ignorant of metal as tool like the paleolithic people.
Neolithic Age (8000 to 5000 BC)
  • They used pottery cultivated land and buried dead bodies. 
  • They domesticated animal. 
  • This is the emergence of agricultural revolution. 
  • These age occurs between 8000 to 5000 BC. 
  • They were lived in the bank of the rivers for the ease of the agriculture. 
  • They were shifted from land to land. 
Metal Age
  • In this period the tools were replaced by metals like bronze, Iron. 
  • The invension of metal is a milestone in the evolution of human being. 
  • Most of the part of India started using metal. 
  • Bronze was first introduced and then Iron.
The Evidence in India

  • The Evidence shows the presence of an early species of man,Homoerectus in India between 200,000 to 500,000 years ago. 
  • Soan River Valley is the earliest paleolithic homind site ( Homind : The member in the bilogical family of Hominidae, which consist of humans and their closest relatives). 
  • Tools upto 2 millions years have been recovered. 
  • This is at the time of lower paleolithic age. 
  • Also the evidence were found out at Narmada, Thungabhadra river, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bhopal. 
  • The mesolithic age is the culture after paleolithic age. 
  • The evidence of tools were found in several places. 

At the metal age copper was first used by the northern India and after that they started using Iron. But in the Southern India they used Iron after stone because it was introduced much later than north. The evidence of the metal age were found all over India.

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