Buddhism and Jainism

   Buddhism and Jainism are the two religions in the sixth century BC. The two religions of the sixth century exist today. At this century the country was under the rule of sixteen great powers, The Mahajanapadas. The sixteen powers of The Mahajanapadas are Anga, Assaka(or Asmaka) ,Avanti ,Chedi, Gandhara, Kashi, Kamboja, Kosala, Kuru, Magadha, Malla, Machcha(or Matsya), Panchala, Surasena, Vriji, Vatsa. Some of these states were republic and some are monarchical.


  • Buddhism is one of the great religion in the century. 
  • Sidhardha Gautama founded the religion. 
  • He is popularly known as Buddha. 
  • It rose against the back ground of Hinduism in North India around 6th century BC. 
  • The main sacred book of the religion are Tripitakas. 
  • Sidhartha Gautama was born at Lumbini in Nepal. 
  • He was the son of Sudhodhana Raja of Sakya. 
  • He leaves his kingdom at the age of 35 after realising that wealth and luxury does not gives happiness. 
  • Thus he explored several teachings religions and philosophies of the day. 
  • He was in search of happiness. Six years study and meditation he found the path and enlightened. 
  • He stay in the principles of called Dharma, The Truth. 
  • In his life time he never claimed that he is a God. He died at the age of 80. 
  • He died at Kushinagar. 
At the time of Buddhist period both Monarchical and republic states were exists. Later some of the republics were under the monarchs as they expanded the kingdom.


  • In the same period of Buddhism Lord Mahavira founded the religion, Jainism. 
  • But many scholars believe that Mahavira was not the founder of Jainism, he is a teacher of Jainism. 
  • Jainism has a pre-Aryans root. 
  • However the Mahavira is considered as the founder of Jainism. 
  • Sidhartha Goautama and Mahavira are contemporaries. 
  • The fundamental doctrines of Jainism are Tri Ratna (Three Jewels). 
  • According to the Tri Ratna Jain must believe in three things. 
  1. Right Faith
  2. Right Knowledge
  3. Right conduct
These are the three Ratnas followed by a Jain.

Their highest aim of life is Nirvana (release from Karmic Bondage). They believe in non-violence. They are silent about the existence of god. Their sacred books are Angas and Purvas.

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