MoUnderstanding with Taiwan for cooperation in the field of Agriculture and Allied Sector

The Union Cabinet approval to the Memorandum of Understanding between Taipei Economic and Cultural Centre in India and India Taipei Association in Taipei, Taiwan for cooperation in the field of Agriculture and Allied Sector. 


  • The MoU provides for cooperation in the fields of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Aquaculture and Food Processing, Genetic Resources as well as Environmental Sustainability. 
  • Encouraged Private sector in both countries to enter into cooperation in these areas. 
  • The cooperation involves exchange of visits, information, technology and training 
  • Also expansion of agricultural trade while reducing trade barriers. 
  • Joint Working Committee will be constituted to identify priority areas of mutual interest and follow up on the progress of implementation of the activities identified by both sides. 
  • The MoU will be initially signed for a period of five years and shall be automatically renewed for a subsequent periods of five years unless either party expresses its desire/intention to terminate it.

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