
  • Self Reliant and Self Sustained Economy
  • Secure rise in national income of over 5% per annum
  • Expand basic industries like steel,fuel and power
  • Substantial expansion of employment opportunities
Achievements : Growth rate of 2.72% per annum (Target : 5.6%)

Other Features

  • Bokaro steel plant in 1964
  • Extension of Intensive Agriculture District program (IADP) through out India
  • Adding high yield verities of program under the new Agricultural strategy
Reason for failure of achievement : Indo-China war, Indo-Pak war, Two successive years of drought, devaluation of currency

No five year plan between 1966-1969. Their is only annual plans. Green revolution begins in India between 1966-69. 

Green Revolution : Research, development and technology initiatives occurring between 1940s and 1960s which increase the agriculture production worldwide mainly in developed countries

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