• The share in agriculture shows a decline in agriculture productivity and it is a matter of concern
  • The decline in the productivity of agriculture may also affect the other sectors of the economy
  • According to the 2010-11 report 52 % of the total work force is depending on agriculture for sustenance
  • The increase in production cost is an issue faced by the agriculture sector in India
  • Globalization and competition from international level makes challenges because highly subsidise  agriculture in developed countries
  • Sustained use of agriculture land without compatible technology draws the agriculture production  
  • Most of the country depends upon mansoon instead of irrigation in a modern way
  • In 1960s and 1970s Government of India introduces agriculture reforms
  • Green Revolution and White Revolution were some of the intiatives
  • Provision of crop insurance against drought, flood, cyclone, fire and disaster establishment of Grameen Banks, Cooperative Society and providing loan facility to the farmers at lower rate of interest
  • The government also announces Minimum Support Prices for the agriculture product
  • In order to modernise agriculture government setup Inidian Council of Agricultural and Research(ICAR), Agricultural Universities, Vetinary Science and animal breeding, Research and Development in the field of Meteorological and Weather Forecasting
  • Government supplies fertilizers on a subsidised rate

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