Chalukya Dynasty

Chalukya Dynasty was the great empire in the Deccan in the period 425 AD - 753 AD. According to the author Bilhana the orgin of the chalukya dynasty was from Ayodhya. The empire was established in the Deccan. After the Period of 753 AD they had emerged as a power in 10th to 12 th Century AD. They were well established and have great art. They conquer the most of the Deccan region. The Chalukya Dynasty covers Maharashtra and Most of the Karnataka. They are known as the one of the Major power in the south.

Pulakesin I

He was the founder of the Dynasty with its capital at Badami. He made Splendid victory for establishing the mighty empire. He emerged as agreat power in 5th century AD.

Kirtivarman I

He was the Son of Pulakesin I. He expanded the kingdom by war against Nalas of Bastar and with Kadambas. He ascend the throne in 540 AD. 

Pulakesin II

After the death of Kirthivaraman I his brother Mangalesa was the ruler of the Dynasty. He conquered Ratnagiri in Konkan and attacked Gujarath. Pulakesan II killed his uncle Mangalesa for ascending the throne. He maintained relation between Colas and Pandiyan. He attacked Mahendravarman and defeated him.He was the greatest ruler in the dynasty. The greatest achievement in the history of Pulakesin II was his victory over the Harshvardhana in 620. Pulakesin II was killed by Narasimhavarman in 642. 

Vikramaditya and Vikramaditya II

Vikramaditya was agreat ruler and he continued the fight against the Pallavas and recovered the former glory of Chalukyas.He ruled the longest period from 693 AD to 733 AD. His period was marked as the building of Temples. He successfully invaded the Pallavas three times. He also fought against the Arab Invasion in Gujarath. In 753 Vikramaditya II grandson of Vikramaditya overthrown by a chief named Dantidurga. Kirthivarman II was the last ruler of the Dynasty. He was defeated by the Rashtrakuta Dyansty

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