Alexander's Invasion


  • The period of Alexander's invasion of India, India was ruled by petty kings. 
  • In 326 BC, Alexander invaded India. After conquering Achaemenid Empire of Persia alexander started to the north-west side of India. 
  • He crossed the river Indus and advanced towards Taxila. The king of Taxila, Ambhi welcomed him and his men. 

  • Then he moved towards the King of Porus, the kingdom between rivers Jhelum and Chenab. Porus didnot fear and he started against Alexander. 
  • The battle is known as the Battle of Hydaspes river which against the Kinf of Porus. 
  • The kingdom of Porus is now in Punjab. 
  • The battle is considered to be the most costly battle the armies of Alexander ever fought. 
  • Finaly Alexander catch Porus at the end of the battle with wounds. 
  • The Greek great warrior Alexander asked Porus what treatment should be meted out to him and the King Porus Replied that "As a King treats a King".


  • After defeating Porus 
  • He moved towards Kathaiois of Sangla and several small tribes surrendered to him. 
  • Then Alexander tried to conquer the powerful Nanda Dynasty, his soldiers were in homesick and tired as they wandering for years. 
  • The soldiers had not have the courage to fight against the powerful Nanda Dynasty. 
  • Thus Alexander returned to reach homeland, on the way at Babylon he died due to Malaria in 323 BC.
  • Alexander's invasion in India had no lasting effect.

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